You did it! You hit publish on a post you’ve been working on for over a year - and it’s landed so beautifully. 🙏

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Anita - you are a sweetheart. Thank you for your kindness and your support.

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Your writing is beautiful, Etta. Thank you for sharing so honestly.

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Thank you so very much for dropping by, your kind words and support. All very much appreciated. x

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Ooh I need to sit and read this properly. We seem to have a lot in common!! Increasingly I think I have ADHD and even my hubby thinks do now!! Daughter is autistic with ADHD features. Think this has brought more awareness for me.

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Etta, this post is amazing and we need more voices talking about the emotional experience. I'm in my 40s and only recently thought I might have it, prompted by a friends' suggestion. The more I read and learn, the more it resonates and I'm going for my first assessment in a few weeks. Emotionally, I'm still not quite sure what to make of it and its stories like this that help me to 'Yes! Oh! Shit!' in an exclamation of self-understanding.

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Thank you for dropping by Kate - I have found it incredibly helpful to 'know'. It has enabled me to cut myself some slack and being kinder to myself too!

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May 22·edited May 22Liked by Etta Brown

What an in-depth, thought-provoking first essay here Etta. May it be the first of many. May you be discovered by everyone who recognises their own experience and finds comfort in your words.

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Thank you for taking the time to read Beth, your unwavering support and kindness x

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Thank you for sharing. It is helpful for many of us living in/supporting in these in-between spaces.

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Thank you for dropping by. I love that description 'in-between spaces'. It perfectly sums up where we live!

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I was officially diagnosed in my 40's, and medicine helps me immensely in my job as a U.S. high school teacher. I've been learning a lot about the benefits of my neurodivergence, which helps minimize a lot of the shame and self-esteem issues. Thank you for the post, and congratulations on hitting publish-I'm still working my way to it!

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Thank you for taking the time to comment and share your experience of medication. What I am learning is that there are no absolutes with ADHD. It truly is a 'divergent' condition in so many ways. I am really glad you have a positive experience of medication and wonder if you might be open to talking to me more about that as I research my book?

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Hi Etta. Yes, please feel free to reach out. I’m in and out depending on the week and month, and I’m just learning to navigate Substack, and plus, I have ADHD! There’s all my excuses up front, so now I’ll probably reply in 10 minutes—haha.

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We've only just virtually met... and yet, I am so proud of you for being courageous enough to write and publish this!! I relate to almost everything you've written. My experience has shown me that every time I talk or write about my diagnosis journey, it magically reaches someone who needed my words in that moment. I'm alongside you for the ride 😍

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Thank you Helen. I really appreciate your kind support.

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